Ornamental blacksmith Stow Forge takes it easy with the Morgan Rushworth Steelworker


Stow Forge is a family-owned ornamental blacksmiths and metal fabrication business. They are based in Essex and provide Colchester, Chelmsford and the surrounding areas with high quality hand-crafted domestic products such as gates and railings and staircases, balconies and verandas. They also provide structural steel fabrications for commercial settings and have a portfolio of prestigious projects, including English Heritage approved restoration projects.

The business already had a Kingsland 60 tonne Steelworker but it doesn’t cope so well with the thicker pieces that they needed for their expanding business.

The Morgan Rushworth Steelcutter is impressive – It cuts through metal like butter

“We didn’t want to rely on going elsewhere for the heavier pieces, so we needed the heavy machine. The old one can manage 10-15mm, so it’s still good for the smaller jobs but with the Morgan Rushworth I can leave someone on there to do everything – it’s a really good machine.”

How did you hear about Selmach and why did you choose them?

We’ve used them in the past – we’ve been running the business in Essex for 20 years. When we realised we needed something bigger to cope with the larger, thicker pieces, I asked around some of the bigger metal fabricator companies who recommended Selmach.

Did the machines meet your expectations?

We were originally going for a smaller machine but by the time we went back to Selmach it had gone so we went for what was available at the time, which was the Morgan Rushworth Steelworker. And I can say we’ve had no regrets – the size and capacity of the punching and plate cutting is unsurpassed – we use it daily.

It has met our expectations and more. The capacity and cutting plate thickness is very impressive – in fact, it cuts through metal like butter. And it’s British, which is very important.

How have you benefitted?

You have to do your homework when investing in machines like this, and it’s worth it because everything is so much easier. If you don’t have the tools then you’re looking to other businesses to do parts of the job, which creams 20% of the profits and you’re not in full control. I like to do jobs from start to finish, not hand parts of it over to other companies. This machine enables us to do everything.

What are your thoughts on the aftercare and service throughout the process?

All the servicing and stuff is all done really well – We needed some help with the initial wiring in – a call was made and within a couple of days it was all sorted, so no complaints there whatsoever.

Tips/advice for others looking to buy the same machine?

Do your homework – you can’t go into something like this without knowing what’s what.

Published 6th August 2020