Bluecoat Engineering gets smart with the RVD Fibre Laser

Close up of Laser Cutting head cutting intricate sections on a metal sheetClose up of Laser Cutting head cutting intricate sections on a metal sheet

The popularity of fibre laser machines is showing no sign of slowing down. In fact, more businesses are harnessing the power and efficiency of the laser cutter due to lower costs, advances in technology and an increasingly competitive market. And the RVD laser offers one of the best solutions on the market for cutting an incredible range of materials. This smart machine not only saves labour and time but makes for incredible efficiency, as metal fabricators, Bluecoat Engineering Ltd, can confirm.

Bluecoat Engineering Ltd is based in Beckenham, London. They are specialists in tailor-making steel products such as tables, cabinets, lifts, kitchens, structural steel and gates. With over three decades of experience and vast engineering and business back grounds, Bluecoat Engineering Ltd has an impressive portfolio of work.

Bluecoat Engineering recently purchased the RVD Smart Fibre Laser, which they use for cutting sheet metal – we spoke to Graham Ladbrook about their experience with the new, high-tech laser cutter and how it has impacted the business.


We can reduce the prices of our products because the laser cuts quicker”


What led you to buy the RVD Fibre Laser?

We wanted to replace our old machine as it was obsolete.


How did you hear about Selmach and why did you choose them?

We chose them because they seemed like the best and they reassured me that the machine was the best one for the job. Also, the cost was good – they made me an offer that was too good to turn down.


What features attracted you to the machine?

Speed, accuracy, cost and its ability to do what we needed it to do.


Did it meet your expectations?

It’s starting to. We had a few problems in the beginning, there were a few technical issues, but they were resolved quickly. Now it’s working we’re more than happy with it. In fact, there’s nothing I would change about it. It’s the first of its kind, so we knew there was likely to be a few issues with it – we expected that.


What has been the specific impact on your business?

We’ve not had it for long enough to give a full answer to this question but already there have been positive impacts; it works quicker for a start, and as a result, we can reduce the prices of our products because it makes us more efficient. We can get more products out in less time.


What are your thoughts on the aftercare and service throughout the process?

Fine. It was difficult for them as I said, due to teething problems but these were resolved. The training aspect of it was a bit troublesome. The training was done in our factory which meant a few interruptions in the work flow whilst this was in progress.

Published 4th December 2019